On Friday, July 2, 2021, Governor David Ige signed into law:
HB767 HD2 SD2 moves the Hawaiʻi Farm to School Program out of the Department of Agriculture to the Department of Education and establishes a goal for the DOE that at least 30% of food served in public schools consist of locally sourced products by the year 2030.
HB817 HD2 SD2 establishes benchmarks for all state departments to ensure that a certain percentage of the produce purchased by that department consists of fresh local agricultural products or local value-added, processed, agricultural, or food products. The bill also requires a report be made to the legislature on each department's progress toward meeting these benchmarks.
SB512 SD2 HD1 CD1 removes the $10 per visit per day cap on the dollar-for-dollar match received by Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) beneficiaries under the Hawaii healthy food incentive program, also known as the Double Up Food Books (DA BUX) program. This bill expands eligible purchases under the program to include healthy proteins, along with Hawaii-grown fresh fruits and vegetables.
HB243 HD1 SD2 CD1 requires the Office of Planning to identify existing and planned facilities that are vulnerable to sea level rise, flooding impacts, and natural hazards and to then assess a range of options to mitigate the impacts of sea level rise to those facilities. The office will submit annual reports to the Governor, Legislature, and the Hawai‘i Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Commission regarding the vulnerability and adaptation assessments for state facilities and the progress made in implementing sea level rise adaptation in future plans, programs, and capital improvement needs and decisions.
SB474 SD1 HD2 CD1 requires that sellers disclose and identify residential real properties lying within the sea level rise exposure area.
HB683 HD2 SD1 CD1 establishes the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Program to provide matching grants to small businesses in Hawai‘i that develop products related to sustainable aviation fuel or greenhouse gas reduction from commercial aviation operations.
HB1176 HD1 SD2 CD1 allows the Governor to designate the Department of Land and Natural Resources to administer a Green Job Youth Corps Program that will provide temporary work and training opportunities to help address the unemployment impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and support economic diversification.
Statement by Vice Chair Ty J.K. Cullen on Governor's Bill Signing of HB767
"Supporting the Farm to School Program and increasing the amount of locally sourced food served in public schools will help to provide healthier eating options for our children while also supporting local agriculture as we move towards securing a more sustainable and resilient food system in Hawaiʻi."
Statement by Chair Ryan Yamane on Governor's Bill Signing of SB512
"Lawmakers recognize the critical role that fresh fruits, vegetables, and healthy proteins play in a healthy diet and the prevention of obesity and chronic disease. This bill will help increase SNAP beneficiaries' access to fresh and healthy dietary options."
Statement by Chair Mark Hashem on Governor's Bill Signing of SB512
"Senate Bill 512 not only defrays the high cost of healthy eating. This bill also supports local agriculture, including Hawaii's cattle and fishing industries, that were adversely impacted by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The DA BUX Program helps stimulate the local economy and supports the State's objectives of doubling food production by 2030."
Statement by Vice Chair Scot Z. Matayoshi on Governor's Bill Signing of HB817
"With this bill, the State leads by example in supporting and growing our agricultural industry and boosting food security and resilience. I am proud that we are taking the first of many steps to diversifying our economy and using our agricultural land for what it is meant for: crops, not homes. This bill demonstrates Hawai‘i's commitment to local agriculture for generations to come."
Statement by Chair David Tarnas on Governor's Bill Signing of HB243
"To ensure the state's sustainable and resilient future, state government agencies managing state facilities must plan, coordinate, and act to adapt to climate change and sea level rise. We need to be prepared to protect the state's public assets and infrastructure on which we depend. I am happy this bill has been signed into law because this is urgent! This law calls on the state to produce an operational and financial plan to adapt our critical infrastructure to sea level rise, which will make us more resilient to the impacts of climate change."
Statement by Vice Chair Adrian K. Tam on Governor's Bill Signing of HB243
"We want to make sure that both the buyer and seller are aware of any sea level change on those properties. The value of property lying within the boundaries of a sea level rise will be affected over time, and therefore that is a material fact that should be disclosed by the seller in all real property transactions."
Statement by Chair Mark Nakashima on Governor's Bill Signing of HB683
"Nearly one-third of the energy consumed in the state is from jet fuel, which is one of the largest sources of Hawai‘i's greenhouse gas emissions. The availability of sustainable aviation fuel will be key to reducing global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions and potentially create a new, valuable industry in the state."
Statement by Chair Sean Quinlan on Governor's Bill Signing of HB1176
"For years we have attempted to create new industries in Hawai'i without addressing the need for workforce development. This bill aims to change that by training local people for the green jobs of the future, while also providing employment at a time when so many have lost their jobs."

Photo Credit: Office of the Governor