Honolulu, Hawaiʻi – The Hawaiʻi House of Representatives adopted House Resolution 33, Convening a Working Group to Develop Recommendations for a Governance and Management Structure for Mauna Kea. This resolution established a working group to include seven (7) members who are Native Hawaiian to be nominated by Native Hawaiian groups, organizations, or communities to be appointed by the Speaker of the House. Special consideration will be given to nominees from Hawaiʻi Island.
Speaker Scott K. Saiki encourages Native Hawaiian groups, organizations, or communities to submit nominations by doing the following:
Complete the Mauna Kea Working Group Nomination Form. The Nomination Form is available on this website: https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/docs/2021MaunaKeaResoNomination.pdf.
Submit the Nomination Form by email to MaunaKeaWG@capitol.hawaii.gov by 4:30 p.m. on April 5, 2021.
"This working group will address one of the most consequential public policy issues facing Hawaiʻi. Its work will be inclusive and constructive, and I hope that we will receive a range of diverse nominations," said Saiki.
"This is an opportunity to lay the foundation for a better future for Mauna Kea. Mauna Kea can be a source of pride for Hawaiʻi Island and our state. We need to listen to our community, especially the Native Hawaiian voices, to improve how we manage the mountain going forward," said Representative David A. Tarnas, Chair of the House Committee on Water and Land. Tarnas is a Hawaiʻi Island representative whose district includes parts of the Mauna Kea region.