Honolulu, Hawaiʻi – Today, State and City lawmakers, along with community leaders introduced legislation to prohibit landfills from being placed above aquifers. The announcement also addressed growing concerns about the City’s proposed landfill site northwest of Wahiawā, highlighting its potential environmental risks.
House Bill 969 (HB969), introduced by House Majority Leader Sean Quinlan (D-47 Waialua, Hale‘iwa, Kawailoa Beach, Waimea, Sunset Beach, Waiale‘e, Kawela Bay, Kahuku, Lā‘ie, Hau‘ula, Punalu‘u, Kahana), seeks to prohibit the construction, modification, or expansion of any waste or disposal facility on land that is near or above a significant aquifer as determined by the Department of Health.
"We cannot keep rolling the dice with our freshwater drinking supply," said House Majority Leader Sean Quinlan. "It's not justifiable or right to propose siting a landfill above an aquifer. Forever chemicals stay in the ʻāina, in the wai, forever. It's unconscionable for us to consider letting these chemicals leak into our drinking supply. This is why we have introduced legislation that would prevent the siting of landfills above aquifers."
HB969 is scheduled to be heard by the House Committee on Energy & Environmental Protection on Thursday, January 30, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. Review the meeting agenda here.
Additional bills introduced in the 2025 Legislative Session to address landfill regulations include the following:
Honolulu City Council Vice Chair Matt Weyer and Floor Leader Radiant Cordero introduced Resolution 25-003, reaffirming the City Policy adopted on April 16, 2003, that municipal solid waste landfills should not be located in proximity to the City's Underground Drinking Water sources.
"This is clearly an issue that affects all of our families. Today the conversation is about where we start. As we weigh the options for landfill, we start with protecting our drinking water and recognizing the importance of our prime agricultural lands," said Council Vice Chair Matt Weyer (D-2 Waikele, Royal Kunia, Village Park, Kunia, portions of Mililani, Wahiawā, Whitmore Village, Mokulēʻia, Waialua, Haleʻiwa, Waimea, Pūpūkea, Sunset Beach, Waialeʻe, Kahuku, Lāʻie, Hauʻula, Punaluʻu, Kahana, Kaʻaʻawa, Kualoa, Waiāhole, Waikāne, Kahaluʻu).
Honolulu Board of Water Manager and Chief Engineer Ernie Lau stated, "Our kuleana at the Board of Water Supply is to protect our freshwater resources, which all life depends upon. Ola i ka wai, water is life. It is also our responsibility to ensure that our island community can live sustainably for generations to come."
Resolution 25-003 will be up for second reading at a January 29, 2025 Full Council meeting. Review the meeting agenda here.